Lafayette Radiokabel Peltor Icom/Genzo

Lafayette Radiokabel Peltor Icom/Genzo

Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /customers/8/f/3/ on line 4684

Kabel för att ansluta Peltor hörselkåpor till radion. Kontakt: Multipin.
Passar till: Genzo Royal XT Icom D60

OBS! Fungerar ej med dessa hörselkåpor:
Peltor WS
Peltor Light
Peltor Alert
Peltor Protac Hunter
Peltor Protac Shooter
(Passar kåpor med J22/Dubbelstift)

Läs mer om Lafayette Radiokabel Peltor Icom/Genzo

Lafayette Radiokabel Peltor Icom/Genzo

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Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /customers/8/f/3/ on line 4684
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